Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring Storms In February and Other Happenings...

I wish I was better at posting more often!  We have a lot going on and I would like to blog more to record for later days, somehow that doesn't happen!  I know I will get better.  We had very spring like storms here yesterday, strange that it is only February!  I recently stumbled upon an interesting blog purely by accident.  it was called Scary West  It has some amazing photos and most are taken in Montana- that is where Brandon is from.  
Well- we are moving.  Still in Owasso, just a bigger house on 1.25 acres.  We are beyond excited and the boys are as well.  We close on March 2 and so we are very busy getting ready for that.  I will post some pics soon.  We have been looking for a house for over a year and we found EXACTLY what we were looking for!  
I want share a quote that I found on the blog that I mentioned earlier.


"If you ask for wisdom or higher virtues, know that they only come through trials and tribulations. If you ask for inner peace, God will send you a storm in which to cultivate peace. We get what we want through practice. There's no such thing as a free lunch in the spiritual realm." - Baron Baptiste

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